Thursday, 30 May 2013

New lab!

Hi all,

You may have been wondering why I haven't posted anything for a while - but I am still here to entertain you! :)

It's been a really busy few months here at XCellR8, not least because we've moved to fantastic new premises at Sci-Tech Daresbury in Cheshire.  The move will allow us to accommodate our customers' requirements for our in vitro testing services and cell culture training events.  We're in a great location between Manchester and Liverpool, easily accessed by plane, train and automobile!  If you're interested to read more, click here

Here's a photo of me settling into the new premises, looking rather handsome ;)

Now that we're fully installed I'll be posting regular updates here including cell culture hints and tips, news about new developments in the industry and advances in alternatives to animal testing.  So please do check back, feel free to follow my blog and join in by posting your comments!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Cellwyn - you and the new lab are both looking great! :)
